by Neil Jennings Braithwaite
What most people today
recognize and define as "church,"including their various doctrines, creeds and traditions, in most aspects, have no resemblance to the biblical model of the "ekklesia" (Called-out Assembly) Yahshua (Jesus) Christ said he would build; which is the model he and his Apostles lived and taught.
Yahshua said: "...upon this rock I will build My ekklesia; and the gates of hell will not prevail against it." Matthew 16:18Traditional Churches in America today embrace a man-made"corporate/institutional" model rather than the Biblical model of the "ekklesia" Yahshua Christ personally established.
After the Apostolic age, the ekklesia established by Yahshua gradually evolved into man-made corporate institutions. Today's churches operate under a hierarchy of authority and power that negates the intended equality and unity of individual disciples taught by Christ. These corporate institutions also promote division and competition within the body of Christ. Within each corporate church people are intentionally divided into two distinct "classes" of Christians known as clergy and laity - better defined today as "pastor" and "congregation."
"The term ‘laity’ is one of the worst in the vocabulary of religion and ought to be banished from the Christian conversation." ~ Karl Barth