A 501(c)(3) corporation is a non-profit organization that gains a tax-exempt status under section 501(c) in the U.S. Internal Revenue (IRS) Code [26 U.S.C. §501(c)]. Many types of clubs and groups are eligable for 501c3 incorporated status, but part 3 is developed for religious, educational, and charitable entities. There is a false assmuption by many Christians that in order to be an "official" church, one must obtain 501c3 status, but this could not be further from the truth. In this article, we will learn about the dangers of 501c3, and why no Christian should be caught dead under a 501c3 contract. |
However, there are a few points we should note:
1) No law exists that requires anyone to file a federal income tax form.
2) Christ's Church is not a legally recognized entity, so it is already tax exempt.
3) Enticing to give via tax write-offs is not Biblical giving.
(Read "Is Tithing a Christian Requirement?" here at creationliberty.com for more details about charitable giving)
Since I first learned the truth about 501c3 churches, I have always wondered why any Christian would want to go to the government and get permission to be exempted from a tax they didn't owe to begin with. True New Testament churches are already exempt because they cannot be recognized as a legal entity. Interestingly, Steve Nestor, IRS Senior Officer, has wondered the same thing:
"I am not the only IRS employee who's wondered why churches go to the government and seek permission to be exempted from a tax they didn't owe to begin with, and to seek a tax deductible status that they've always had anyway. Many of us have marveled at how church leaders want to be regulated and controlled by an agency of government that most Americans have prayed would just get out of their lives. Churches are in an amazingly unique position, but they don’t seem to know or appreciate the implications of what it would mean to be free of government control."
-Steve Nestor, IRS Senior Officer, quoted by Peter Kershaw, In Caesar's Grip, self-published, 2000; See also hisholychurch.net's information pdf on IRS form 1023 [http://www.hisholychurch.net/documents/1023notes.pdf]
Before we get into details, it is important to note that I believe most preachers/ministers honestly do not realize what they are getting into when they 501c3 incorporate their church/ministry, or in other words, they honestly do not know the facts they will read in this article. However, many preachers signing up for 501c3 status without researching what they're signing up for only shows a willful blindness that has come over them, and we will discuss the examples and Scripture for that later. The preachers/ministers who read this information are responsible to the Lord to perform as the Gospel teaches and learn the truth.
First, we need to acknowledge that many pastors are in denial about the truths of the 501c3 corporation. Barbara Ketay, a lawyer at the Biblical Law Center, wrote the following:
"O.K. Pastors, Evangelists, Missionaries, Deacons, Trustees, Elders... listen up! Let's stop all the hocus-pocus, the illusions, the scams, the fairy-tales and the outright lies regarding what the 501(c)(3) incorporated church is and is not. For a change, let's deal with facts. For those of you who don't understand "facts," in the legal arena, facts are used and are supported by documented evidence which would be admissible in a legitimate court of law. Facts are not hyperbole! [i.e. exaggeration]"
-Barbara Ketay, "The 501(c)(3) Incorporated Church: The Real Truth," Biblical Law Center, retrieved July 23, 2012, [http://www.gracealoneca.com/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderfiles/the_real_truth_of_501c3.pdf]
Ketay goes on to list facts about what a 501c3 church corporation is by lawful state definition:
- The creator of a corporation is the State.
- The State is the sole authority and sovereign head over the corporation.
- The corporation is subject to the laws of the State which limits its powers.
- The corporation has no constitutionally protected rights.
- The corporation is an artificial person.
- The corporation submits to a State Charter declaring it is a creature of the State.
- The corporation is created for the benefit of the public.
- The corporation is a State franchise.
- The corporation is a privilege granted by the State.
- The creator of your church is the State.
- The State is the sole authority and sovereign head over your church.
- Your church is subject to the laws of the State which limits its powers.
- Your church has no constitutionally protected rights.
- Your church is an artificial person.
- Your church submits to a State Charter declaring it is a creature of the State.
- Your church is created for the benefit of the public.
- Your church is a State franchise.
- Your church is a privilege granted by the State.
"A 501(c)(3) corporation, being an artificial person, is not considered a person under the First Amendment to the United States Constitution (religious liberty clause) or under the Fifth Amendment to the United States Constitution (protection against selfincrimination clause). Therefore, an incorporated church has NO First or Fifth Amendment rights. In the case Johnson vs. Goodyear, 127 Cal.4 (1899): 'A corporation, being an artificial person, only has rights within the meaning of the due process and equal protection clauses of the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution and similar provisions of State constitutions and within the meaning of state statutes.'" [i.e. Your 501(c)(3) church has no constitutional rights.]
-Barbara Ketay, "The 501(c)(3) Incorporated Church: The Real Truth," Biblical Law Center, retrieved July 23, 2012, [http://www.gracealoneca.com/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderfiles/the_real_truth_of_501c3.pdf]
Many Christians cry out against me about their constitutional rights, and the religious freedom clause of the first amendment, but it DOES NOT APPLY to 501c3 churches. I also want to specifically point out that if you are a pastor or evangelist who signed on to the 501c3 incorporated status, you have outright LOST your constitutional rights. Notice, on the list, it says that your church is now an artificial person subject to the State, created by the State for benefit of the public (not the benefit of the Lord Jesus Christ), and granted privileges deemed by the State. This means if the IRS says you cannot say something from the pulpit, then you DO NOT have any constitutional rights to argue against them, and are bound by lawful contract to keep silent! |
At this point, I commonly hear preachers say, "Well if they come after me, I'm just going to disobey the government," and then they quote Acts 5:29 saying "we ought to obey God rather than men." I agree, we ought to obey God rather than men IF we are unlawfully oppressed, but that's not the situation we have here. If a preacher signs a contract stating that he will obey the government rather than God, then God expects him to do what he said he would do, and turning to break that contract engages in lying, which God says is an "abomination." (Pro 6:16-19)
(Read "Is it OK for Christians to Lie?" here at creationliberty.com for more details)
And if you want to obey God rather than men, why did you seek to put your church under 501c3 to be yoked up with unbelievers and be regulated by men? The excuses I have heard preachers make for 501c3 does not match up logically with what they have contractually agreed to do.
14 Do not be bound together with unbelievers; for what partnership have righteousness and lawlessness, or what fellowship has light with darkness? 15Or what harmony has Christ with Belial, or what has a believer in common with an unbeliever? 16 Or what agreement has the temple of God with idols? For we are the temple of the living God. 2 Corinthians 6:14-16
God sees lying as an abomination, and that includes agreeing to do something and then refusing to do it. Our Lord Jesus Christ would only want one of two things from these 501c3 churches:
1. Keep your word and do the things you agreed to do. or... 2. Get out of the contract. |
[C]hoose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which
your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the
gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.
-Joshua 24:15
No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.
-Matthew 6:24
There's no riding the fence on this issue. We cannot keep one foot on either side. Jesus makes that clear:
-Joshua 24:15
No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.
-Matthew 6:24
I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot. So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.
-Revelation 3:15-16
If your church signed a 501c3 contract, then the IRS has EVERY RIGHT
to tell your church what they can and cannot preach. If God was the
creator of your church, then God tells the church what it can and cannot
preach, but that all changed as soon as your church signed and dated
the documents.
-Revelation 3:15-16
Christians may ask to see a law that binds preachers down from what they can and cannot say, and the answer is "No," there is no law I can point you to, but there also does not have to be. All congress has to do is grant the IRS carte blanche privelage [full discretionary power] to do what they see fit, and it has the same effect as law, but if you sign a contract with them, it is legally binding on top of their discretionary enforcement.
"Prior to 1954, churches were free to evaluate the positions of political candidates on moral issues without fear of the Internal Revenue Service revoking their tax-exempt status. That year, then-Senator Lyndon Johnson amended the tax code to add the threat of IRS action against churches if their pastors mentioned the positions of specific candidates from the pulpit. Citing that rule, groups like AU [Americans United] have repeatedly threatened to report churches to the IRS if they speak out on such issues."
-"ADF Announces New Initiative to Reclaim Pastors' First Amendment Rights," Alliance Defending Freedom, May 9, 2008, retrieved Aug 11, 2012, [http://www.adfmedia.org/News/PRDetail/1857]
Again, Christians cry out, "They don't have a right to do that!" That's true, UNLESS the preacher signed up for the 501c3 system. If your church is 501c3 incorporated, Americans United and other organizations every EVERY RIGHT to report your church to the IRS for breaking contract.
I also find it interesting how that article is titled "ADF Announces NEW Initiative..." because it's not new. These regulations have been around for about 60 years, and just because the IRS has been long-suffering not to enforce it, does not make it new.
Additionally, churching fearing "the IRS revoking their tax-exempt status," is not Biblical in any sense. What message does this send to new Christians about the protection of our Lord Jesus Christ and Holy Spirit? When pastors run to the IRS shivering in fear of losing their precious tax-exemption gives a demonstration to the world of the Laodecian state of American churches.
In 2008, former president George Bush's Administration gave their official position on this issue:
"Kinsolving asked: 'The AP also reports that 33 pastors in
22 states made specific endorsements of political candidates in
challenging the IRS-Lyndon Johnson ruling about no political
endorsements in churches. And my question: Does the president
believe that America’s clergy should be denied the freedom of speech to
endorse political candidates?' [Tony] Fratto responded: 'Those rules are set forth in IRS regulations, directed by statute. And the IRS is enforcing the law, and the president believes that the IRS should enforce the law.'" |
Christians object to this and say that the IRS should not be enforcing this becasue it has no right to. I agree, UNLESS you signed a 501c3 contract, and then they DO have a right to enforce it, and they SHOULD be enforcing it because all the other 501c3 entities have to follow these same regulations. Why should Christians be afforded special privlages over all the other 501c3 entities?
The obvious solution to this problem is to get out of the 501c3. It's difficult, but not impossible. However, the Bible tells us the love of money is the root of all evil (1Tim 6:10), and most preachers find it too inconvenient to give up their precious IRS 501c3 status.
At this point, many Christians get irate with me and claim that I am supporting government take-down of churches, but that is not true because I think the IRS is one of the most evil organization this country has ever seen, and they do NOT have any right to take away the liberties of preaching any topic from the pulpits of the churches. However, on the issue of 501c3 churches, the pastors and deacons SIGNED A CONTRACT stating they would give up their rights, then the IRS DOES have right to tell a 501c3 church what it can and cannot preach, and if pastors and deacons refuse to do what they stated they would do in contract, then the IRS is MORE Biblically sound to enforce the regulations the 501c3 churches contractually promised they would uphold.
What is the Biblical solution? Get out of the 501c3 contract. |
The ADF (Alliance Defense Fund) Senior Legal Counsel, encouraging Christians to lie and rebel against their IRS charter, made a statement about the 501c3 issue that has the right premise, but their conclusion is based on misunderstanding of the situtation:
"Pastors have a right to speak about biblical values from the pulpit without fear of punishment. No one should be able to use the government to intimidate pastors into giving up their constitutional rights."
-Erik Stanley, ADF Senior Legal Counsel, "Bush: IRS Should Enforce Pastor's Speech Ban," World Net Daily, Sept 30, 2008, retrieved Aug 7, 2012, [http://www.wnd.com/2008/09/76673/]
So far, I agree with that statement, but it doesn't apply to the 501c3 churches because the pastors signed a contract and WILLINGLY handed over their constitutional rights. Here's the second part of the statement:
"The government can't demand that a church give up its right to tax-exempt status simply because the pastor exercises his First Amendment rights in the pulpit."
-Erik Stanley, ADF Senior Legal Counsel, "Bush: IRS Should Enforce Pastor's Speech Ban," World Net Daily, Sept 30, 2008, retrieved Aug 7, 2012, [http://www.wnd.com/2008/09/76673/]
First of all, again, the pastor does not have any First Amendment rights because he gave them up when he signed the 501c3 contract! The religious liberties clause of the US Constitution is null and void if you sign a contract giving them up.
Second, where in the Bible did Jesus Christ say 'thou shalt have thy tax-exempt status'?
It is foolish for Christians to try and defend this. Not only did I quote from IRS agents stating that churches are already automatically exempt, but pastors, deacons, and churches in general are focused on forcing the government to make sure their members can write off their donations on IRS tax forms! How is that Biblical? The answer here is not to demand the government to give Christians scraps from the IRS's table.
Why doesn't the ADF encourage them to GET OUT of the 501c3?
For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication,
and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the
merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her
delicacies... Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.
-Revelation 18:3-4
Amazingly, some Christians will still question if being a part of the
501c3 church is actually sinful in nature, but it gets far worse. Here's
a list of other types of organizations who are also 501(c)(3)
tax-exempt non-profits:
-Revelation 18:3-4
- The First Church of Satan [www.churchofsatan.org]
- Planned Parenthood (Baby-Killers) [www.plannedparenthood.org]
- Gay & Lesbian Advocates & Defenders [www.glad.org]
- Touchstone Local Council Covenant of the Goddess [www.tlcweb.org]
- The Secular Web (Anti-God Organization) [www.infidels.org]
- U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops [www.uscb.org]
- QCinema: Gay & Lesbian Internation Film Festival [www.qcinema.org]
- The Witches' Voice [www.witchvox.com]
- Church of Scientology [www.scientology.org]
- Satanist Cult of Cthulhu [www.cultofcthulhu.net]
- American Atheists [www.atheists.org]
- Mormon Church of Latter-Day Saints [www.lds.org]
- Pagan Druids of CedarLight Grove [www.cedarlightgrove.org]
- Islamic Society of Corona-Norco (Youth Camp) [www.coronamuslims.org]
Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what
fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion
hath light with darkness? And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or
what part hath he that believeth with an infidel? And what agreement
hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living
God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I
will be their God, and they shall be my people. Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you, And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty.
-2 Corinthians 6:14-18
As a Christian, kneeling before my Lord Jesus Christ, if I were a 501c3
corporation, this list would be all I would need to see to make every
effort in getting out of the IRS contract, and removing myself from any
church not willing to get out.
-2 Corinthians 6:14-18
What is the Biblical solution? Get out of the 501c3 contract. |
We have not even covered what this 501c3 status is doing to churches on a spiritual level--should we be yoked up with baby-killing, atheistic, homosexual, God-mocking, devil-worshipping organizations? There is a whole unseen aspect to this, and that's why I recommend if a Christian is part of a church that is 501c3 incorporated, no matter how "good" it may seem, to get out of that church. I cannot see a reason that God came to this earth as our Lord Jesus Christ to die on the cross as the Salvation of mankind, send the Holy Spirit as protection and guidance for the Body of believers on Him, and then turn around and bless churches who denounce Christ by getting in bed with pagan, wicken, satanic, sinful organizations.
"It is now a fact that in order to get and keep the tax-exempt status, a church must agree that all religions are equal. The new Applications for Recognition of Exemption, Form 1023 Schedule A for Churches (Rev. September 1998) demands a declaration to this effect with the following words at point #3: 'Does the organization require prospective members to renounce other religious beliefs or their membership in other churches or religious orders to become members? Yes___ No___. If Yes, describe.' It doesn't take much intelligence to figure out where they are going with this. In order to be considered a legal church (tax exempt) in America, the church or religious organization will have to declare that all religions are equal."
-Dr. Greg Dixon, "Are All Churches Now Required to Join IRS Super Church?," The Trumpet, Vol. 12, Issue #1, Jan/Mar, 2005
If a Christian declares that all religions are equal, then he/she is declaring that Jesus Christ is on equal terms with Satan! This clearly denies Jesus Christ to be Lord and Savior over all mankind and creates abomination and heresy towards all that God's Word teaches us. However, to some preachers and churches, their precious 501c3 status is more important than the Gospel.
"Maybe we now know why Billy Graham, Robert Schuller, Pat Robertson, and other TV preachers have been making such fuzzy remarks about adherents of other religions going to heaven without receiving Christ."
-Dr. Greg Dixon, "Are All Churches Now Required to Join IRS Super Church?," The Trumpet, Vol. 12, Issue #1, Jan/Mar, 2005
According to their 501c3 corporate charter, people like Billy Graham are not permitted by the State to preach the truth of the Gospel by saying that Jesus Christ is the only way to heaven. TV evangelists are getting worse all the time on this issue, and they wouldn't fight for the truth about the incorporated 501c3 system because their entire living is created from it. (i.e. They bow to their creator.)
(Read "Does Hell Exist According to the Bible?" here at creationliberty.com for more details on Graham's false doctrine; Also see "Christian Ministries Teaching Evolution" for more details on false doctrine being taught by many mainstream preachers)
No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon. (money)
-Matthew 6:24
Worse still is that because the churches and pastors are now subject to
the lordship of the State (instead of Jesus Christ), many have submitted
to being used by State to preach specific State-funded messages from
the pulpit.
-Matthew 6:24
"Federal regulators shepherding the U.S. digital television transition visited Los Angeles on Monday and asked for divine assistance. Broadcasters turn off their analog signals in just over four months, and Federal Communications Commission staffers can't make sure that people buy and set up the converter boxes they'll need for their older TV sets that are hooked up to antennas. Who can? Ministers."
-Nathan Olivarez-Giles, "L.A. Ministers Asked to Spread the Word About Digital TV," Los Angeles Times, Feb 10, 2009, retrieved Aug 8, 2012, [http://articles.latimes.com/2009/feb/10/business/fi-digitaltv10]
Pastors should be telling their congregations to turn OFF their televisions! The pulpit is a place of honor for God's Word, and His Word is what is supposed to be read from it; not to help the government in TV switches so Christians can continue to be brainwashed by the liberal, humanist, materialist corporate media, but remember that if these churches are 501c3 incorporated, they are REQUIRED to help the government in their goals, no matter the circumstances, because they signed a contract making them subject to the State instead of God.
"'We need people to take up leadership in their community and make sure nobody gets left out in the switch,' FCC Commissioner Jonathan S. Adelstein said during a public forum at the Mount Moriah Baptist Church in South Los Angeles. 'Churches already have the infrastructure in place to do that.' Standing at the church pulpit, Adelstein asked the Baptist Ministries Conference of Los Angeles, nearly 50 African American preachers who meet once a month, to include information on the June 12 digital TV switch in their sermons... Woodie Ramsey, a deacon at Southern Missionary Baptist Church of South East Los Angeles, said the ministers were prepared to spread the word. 'It's incumbent upon each church to take care of the needs of its ministry, and this is just one more need for our people,' he said. 'We'll do our part.'"
-Nathan Olivarez-Giles, "L.A. Ministers Asked to Spread the Word About Digital TV," Los Angeles Times, Feb 10, 2009, retrieved Aug 8, 2012, [http://articles.latimes.com/2009/feb/10/business/fi-digitaltv10]
Of course you will do your part because you have to if you're part of the 501c3 church. The government has and will use your 501c3 ministry whenever they want because, as aforementioned, they are the creator of your 501c3 church. These statements from pastors allowing the government to get up on the pulpit and into their sermons ought to make any Christian sick to their stomachs, but most Laodecian-Christians are just following along, as if their conscience has been completely seared. |
Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron;
-1 Timothy 4:1-2
Again, I cannnot imagine what this is doing to churches on a spiritual
level. When the pastors allow the devil's church on the pulpit, seducing
spirits are allowed into the Church of Christ.
-1 Timothy 4:1-2
The "Clergy Response Teams" are further evidence of the churches kneeling before the State:
"A large church organization has refused to divulge how many of its pastors are on the FEMA payroll, after a member expressed concerns about religious leaders being used to condition their congregation to accept the declaration of martial law... Concerned about such developments, a member of the California-based Worldwide Church of God, an organization that boasts 64,000 members in 860 congregations in about 90 countries, asked if any of the church’s pastors were involved in the FEMA program. 'The head office quickly replied hastily within an hour by telling me, 'Sorry, that is privileged information', the man states. 'The reply was in big bold script like I’ve never seen before in emails.'"
-Paul Joseph Watson, "Church Organization Refuses To Divulge If Pastors Are On FEMA Payroll," Prison Planet, Feb 2, 2009, retrieved Aug 8, 2012, [http://www.infowars.com/church-organization-refuses-to-divulge-if-pastors-are-on-fema-payroll/]
How is it Biblical for a church organization to refuse to tell the truth to fellow Christian brethren if any of the pastors are on FEMA payroll? How is it Biblical that a pastor takes a State pay check for his position of leadership in Christ's Church?
Despite so many preachers trying to teach false doctrine, the Bible does NOT tell us we are to bow to wicked rulers. I will be writing an entire article on the first few verses of Romans 13 in the near future, but for now, simple examples in the Bible, such as Paul, Peter, or even Christ Himself were all thrown in prison, tortured, and murdered because they did not obey the government, should be sufficient for us to understand the interpretation used by the average mainstream preacher is false doctrine. In fact, many preachers would not lift a finger to preach the truth of the government and the 501c3 system because they are part of that system!
I still believe that most preachers and churches are walking right into the 501c3 trap without realizing what they have done, and for example, a pastor Salman in Arizona recently came on to youtube and pleaded with American Christians to sign a petition to get him out of jail because he had been arrested for having a home church. Normally, I would have joined in the fight to demand they be released, until I found out that he had registered his home church under 501(c)(3).
This is NOT about religious liberty. This is about a contract that a pastor signed to willingly hand over his religious liberty, and his agreement to comply with all federal regulations, building codes, and permits for a church by state definitions. He agreed by contract to meet these standards, and he LIED by not complying with what he agreed to do. |
What is the Biblical solution? Get out of the 501c3 contract. |
"The most prominent and successful certified public accountant firm in the nation today, that specializes in keeping churches out of trouble with the Internal Revenue Service, is now boldly saying to the pastors of America that they not only have to be 'ordained by God, but also the IRS.' They also say that the IRS is dictating terms to the churches by declaring in clear and no uncertain terms that, "The government doesn't want your Bible, they want your checkbook!" In seminars all over the US, Chitwood and Chitwood of Chattanooga, Tennessee, is repeating this startling announcement to pastors and church leaders. Without so much as a blush, Michael Chitwood, the main speaker, says, besides the above quotes, "Pastor, if you don't get your house in order, get ready, you are going to have a jail ministry" as he practically screams out to those present as to what pastors and church leaders must do to avoid jail time and the confiscation of church property by the federal government."
-Dr. Greg Dixon, The Trail of Blood Revisited: Christ's True Church - It's Past, Present and Future, Unregistered Baptist Fellowship, quote from Chapter 12, "Internal Revenue Service: Pastors Must Be Ordained by the IRS," retrieved Aug 1, 2012, [http://unregisteredbaptistfellowship.com/trumpet/booklets.php]
If you are a 501c3 church and you don't get your church, staff, and members on the same page the IRS (i.e. your creator) demands you to be on, then THEY HAVE EVERY RIGHT to fine your ministry and jail your pastor. In fact, I personally hold that the IRS is MORE in the right than 501c3 preachers, and it's as if the IRS has been long-suffering with them, allowing them to get away with illegally breaking their contracts.
Don't want to be arrested? Don't want to be fined? What is the Biblical solution? Get out of the 501c3 contract. |
A Christian with any bit of common sense would ask, "Why don't pastors and churches just get out of it then?" First, most don't know how, and second, once they find out what it takes, the price is too high.
"[O]nce a church obtains the status of 501(c)(3) under the IRC they are trapped. The only way to be removed from a 501(c)(3) status is if the IRS chooses to remove the exemption. So if you dissolve the corporation and continue on as ABC church, an unincorporated church, you're still trapped in their web and under their control."
-Melvin Blough, IRS agent under oath, "Executive Order: Responsibilities of the Department of Homeland Security with Respect to Faith-Based and Community Initiatives," remnantofgod.org, retrieved Aug 10, 2012; See also The Trumpet, Vol. 9, Issue #6, Nov/Dec, 2001
As aforementioned, it is not impossible to get out of the 501(c)(3) status, but it will cost a pastor/church almost everything:
"To dissolve the 501(c)(3)corporation, you must first give all your assets (if you have any) to another 501(c)(3)corporation. If you do not do this the State will take your assets and distribute them for you to other tax-exempt 501(c)(3)corporations."
-Barbara Ketay, "The 501(c)(3) Incorporated Church: The Real Truth," Biblical Law Center, retrieved July 23, 2012, [http://www.gracealoneca.com/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderfiles/the_real_truth_of_501c3.pdf]
No matter what, to get out of the 501c3 system and restore the Lord's church to the glory of Jesus Christ, you have to lose almost everything. This is a price most pastors and churches are not willing to pay, and would rather make excuses than acknowledge the truth.
Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross,
and follow me. For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and
whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it. For what is a
man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?
-Matthew 16:24-26
For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.
-1 Timothy 6:10
Charge them that are rich in this world, that they be not highminded, nor trust in uncertain riches, but in the living God, who giveth us richly all things to enjoy; That they do good, that they be rich in good works, ready to distribute, willing to communicate; Laying up in store for themselves a good foundation against the time to come, that they may lay hold on eternal life.
-1 Timothy 6:17-19
But for those few of you who do want to serve our Lord Jesus Christ and
dissolve your 501c3 contract to become a true New Testament church, I
recommend contacting the Biblical Law Center:
-Matthew 16:24-26
For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.
-1 Timothy 6:10
Charge them that are rich in this world, that they be not highminded, nor trust in uncertain riches, but in the living God, who giveth us richly all things to enjoy; That they do good, that they be rich in good works, ready to distribute, willing to communicate; Laying up in store for themselves a good foundation against the time to come, that they may lay hold on eternal life.
-1 Timothy 6:17-19
Pastor Greg Dixon Dr. Greg Dixon Barbara Ketay |
www.biblicallawcenter.com P.O. Box 11 Indianapolis, IN 46206 |
(317)414-3478 (321)253-2374 contact@biblicallawcenter.com |
After I take away the Christians' excuses for 501c3 status, the common response I hear is a quick defense of their church/pastor: "No, not us. My church isn't like that. My pastor wouldn't do that." Did you ask? Do you know for certain that your church is not 501c3 incorporated? Often, Christians do not want to believe that their pastor/church would be involved in something like this, and immediately make excuses and pardons for signing contracts that openly reject Christ's authority over the church. I know it's scary, but our job as Christians is to teach the truth, and if the truth is rejected by those in the church, then we need to avoid them.
Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them.
For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own
belly; and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the
simple. For your obedience is come abroad unto all men. I am glad
therefore on your behalf: but yet I would have you wise unto that which
is good, and simple concerning evil. And the God of peace shall bruise
Satan under your feet shortly. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be
with you. Amen.
-Romans 16:17-20
Once again, there is a spiritual level of this that is unseen, and the
seducing spirits being allowed into these churches by getting this
incorporated status into the devil's church is something I would advise
Christians get out of immediately. No matter how many people turn
against you, I pray all Christians would stand firm in our Lord Jesus
Christ and stay away from the unclean 501c3 corporate church.
-Romans 16:17-20
So why would any church or pastor take on this 501c3 status if it is such an abomination to God? I think most pastors/churches honestly have no idea what they're doing, and they think they are submitting to the government in a good way by signing a corporate contract, but they need to learn the truth that 501c3 is a satanic trap.
On the other hand, we need to understand there are MANY churches and pastors out there who know what they are involved in, and could care less. They're in it for the money. These people would rather enjoy sin for a season than to have to lift a finger against their creator (the government). They pull up to their three-story homes in their brand-new Mercedes, and bow to Caesar for His blessings.
Choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God, than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season;
-Hebrews 11:25
I plead with Christians to come out from among the unbelievers and be
separate. Christ hates to see His church committing fornication.
-Hebrews 11:25
Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship
hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light
with darkness? And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part
hath he that believeth with an infidel? And what agreement hath the
temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as
God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be
their God, and they shall be my people. Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you, And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty.
-2 Corinthians 6:14-18
Author: Christopher J. E. Johnson
-2 Corinthians 6:14-18
Author: Christopher J. E. Johnson
(I believe most of these men are saved Christians who have made some bad choices to be incorporated. Pray for these people; that the Lord would convict them to righteousness and cleanse His Church. To find ministries without incorporated status, check out our "Find More" section here at creationliberty.com.)
Acts 17 Apologetics | *Unnamed* | www.acts17.net |
Alpha and Omega Ministries | James White | www.aomin.org |
Answers in Genesis [AIG] | Ken Ham | www.answersingenesis.org |
Benny Hinn Ministries | Benny Hinn | www.bennyhinn.org |
Billy Graham Evangelistic Association | Billy Graham | www.billygraham.org |
Break Point Ministries | Chuck Colson | www.breakpoint.org |
Christian Apologetics & Research Ministry [CARM] | Matt Slick | www.carm.org |
Christian Broadcasting Network [CBN] | Pat Robertson | www.cbn.com |
Creation Ministries International [CMI] | Ken Ham | www.creation.com |
Christian Research Institute | Hank Hanegraaff | www.equip.com |
Colson Center for Christian Worldview | Chuck Colson | www.colsoncenter.org |
Creation Today | Eric Hovind | www.creationtoday.org |
Family Life | Bill Bright | www.familylife.com |
Focus on the Family | James Dobson | www.focusonthefamily.com |
Grace to You | John MacArthur | www.gty.org |
Growth Trac Ministries | Jim Mueller | www.growthrac.com |
Institute for Creation Research [ICR] | Henry Morris | www.icr.org |
Investigating Faith | Lee Strobel | www.leestrobel.com |
Living Waters | Ray Comfort | www.livingwaters.com |
Search For The Truth | Bruce Malone | www.searchforthetruth.org |
Summit Ministries | David Noebel | www.summit.org |
Way of the Master | Kirk Cameron | www.wayofthemaster.com |
Worldview Weekend | Brannon Howse | www.worldviewweekend.com |
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